Bible Studies
Turning, Slapping, & Walking (Scott Hawkins)
What might Jesus have meant when he said; You have heard it said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But, I say to you, do not resist an evil person. - Matthew 5.38
And how might MLK’s words be a helpful commentary for us? “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - MLK
Scott Hawkins is an “Urban Renewalist” for the Urban Life Community on Wurundjeri Country, Ringwood Melbourne.
Flipping the table of Australia: Reading the Bible with Aboriginal Eyes (Brooke Prentis)
Uncle Rev Graham Paulson called us "Whether we are Indigenous or non‐Indigenous, however, God is calling us to re-read the Bible through Aboriginal eyes.”
This Bible study will unpack scriptures to re-read the Bible through Aboriginal eyes to help us connect with God's story in the lands now called Australia and the implications for the world. This Bible study will have a focus on truth-telling, justice, and love, to show how the Bible calls us to action. Together we will reread the Bible with Aboriginal eyes at the table of the land, the table of the shared history of the last 250 years, and the table of community. -
Reimagining power, encountering the “vulnerable” [Mark 5:25-34] (Robyn Whitaker)
Mark 5:25-34 tells the story of Jesus healing a woman who has been haemorrhaging for 12 years. As a woman with a disability she represents one of the most vulnerable people in Jesus’ time. Using insights from scholarship on gender and disability, this Bible study will unpack the text to look at how power is reimagined in radical ways.
Compassion and Justice through Hope (Ben Howes)
Applying biblical foundations of hope to lives of compassion and justice. Join us as we reflect on the biblical foundations of hope. We’ll explore key principles and practices that help us to build and nurture our hope and sustain us in advocacy and action.

The Festival
Saturday is jam-packed with opportunities to connect with others, hear from our contributors, head into workshops, connect with exhibitors - and come away both challenged and inspired by what you hear.
We have some (ticketed) accommodation available in the Diamond Valley accommodation area - simple bedding with self-catering.
You’re also welcome to keep things really simple and pitch a tent!
Alternatively, you may prefer to find other accommodation options in the beautiful ranges area.